Sunday, March 21, 2010

When Is A Tail A Leg?

Call It What It Is!

In answer to a critic, Abraham Lincoln asked, "How many legs does a cow have?" "Four," was the reply. "If you call her tail a leg, how many does she have?" "Five," was the answer. "No," Lincoln said, "just calling a tail a leg does not make it a leg."
Have we made a similar mistake? For instance, do we avoid calling it sin just because some call it a sexual preference. Do we legitimize sin because some psychiatrists call it "chronic" compulsive behavior? Now, I do believe there are psychological issues in the medical field but I also believe that the Good Physician has a cure for a majority of the so-called illnesses, such as "chronic compulsive lying disorder."
Jesus said in John 8:32 that the truth is what frees us. Unless one realizes their sin, they will not acknowledge their need for a Saviour. Call it what it is and set the captives free.

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