Saturday, May 14, 2011

Justice For All

Ezekiel chapter 3 and chapter 33 give a vivid picture of God's justice. Transitioning from Old Covenant to New Covenant, God's justice NEVER changes{Hebrews 13:8}; only the means of satisfying that justice changed.
First, a distinction should be made; Old Covenant and Old Testament are not synonymous- the Old Covenant is found written within the Old Testament. The Old Covenant has been replaced with a new and better Covenant{Hebrews 12:24} revealed in the New Testament; but the revelations of God's character and His will revealed in the Old Testament are unchanging from Genesis to Revelation.
Under the Old Covenant, the Law was written upon stone. When someone transgressed that Law, a trespass offering; preceded by a confession{Lev 5:5}; was required anytime an individual came to realize that he/she had sinned{Leviticus 5:1-19/6:1-7}.
Under the New Covenant, Jesus satisfied God's justice with His ONE sacrifice on the cross; ending the sacrifices required under the Old Covenant{cf. Romans 3:24-26}. God gives the Holy Spirit to all who will obey Him{Acts 5:32} and writes the Law upon the heart of the believer so that the believer by [new] nature is inclined to keep the Law{Romans 2:13-15}. Throughout the life of the believer, the Holy Spirit convicts the believer of any sins and prompts the believer to confess that sin and turn from it- and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us of those sins once confessed and abandoned{cf. Philippians 2:13/1John 1:9/Acts 17:30}.
[**Disclaimer: please do not assume that I am suggesting that one is saved by works. Scripture teaches that it is purely an act of God by the gift of grace that we are saved- no amount of works can put us in a position of "deserving" salvation. This gift of grace is received through faith{Ephesians 2:8-9}. What is spelled out in this blog in regards to any works is that the Holy Spirit is responsible for the believer's good works{Philippians 2:13}]

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