Thursday, September 29, 2011

Can One Lose Salvation? No, BUT...

Many answers to questions cannot be addressed with a simple "yes" or "no;" oftentimes we find it necessary to insert a qualifying "but" in our answer -as in "Yes, but..." or "No, but..."
The question pertaining to whether one can lose salvation is no exception. The answer to whether someone can lose their salvation is "No;" BUT the reason is because no one can lose something that they have not yet been given. Allow me to explain...
Nowhere in Scripture will you find that one is permanently "saved" the moment of conversion. The wording [or surrounding contexts] when addressing salvation is always future tense as in "...will be saved" or "...shall be saved."
At conversion, one is born-again. Being born-again does not guarantee salvation; it is, however, a required prerequisite for receiving salvation and entrance into God's kingdom{John 3:3,5}.
[see also my Blog (entry): "Born Again or Saved: Is There A Difference?" -- ]
According to Scripture, salvation is rewarded to all **who persevere till the end** in: love, hope, trust, and obedience to Jesus... summed singularly by the word: "faith." Jesus makes this point clear Himself:
-- Matthew 10:22b "...but he that endures till the end SHALL BE saved."

Furthermore, in Hebrews 3:14 we again are admonished to "...hold firmly UNTIL THE END{HCSB}" our faith in Christ. In Hebrews 3 we are reminded that daily we must decide to follow Jesus and be diligent in encouraging one another in this:
-- Hebrews 3:13-15
13 But encourage each other daily, while it is still called today, so that none of you is hardened by sin's deception. 14 For we have become companions of the Messiah IF WE HOLD FIRMLY UNTIL THE END the reality that we had at the start. 15 As it is said: Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion. -HCSB
[*Note: Although God's mercies are new every day{Lam3:22-23}; notice the warning in Hebrews 3:13 of the potential for being hardened by sin. Do not think to yourself that you can sin "this one time" and then repent; for you do not know if that "one little sin" will be the one that hardens you forever{see Eze3:20-21/Eze33:12-13Heb6:4-6/Heb10:26-31}]

In closing, please also consider the words of Peter in 1Pet1:5
-- 5 You are being protected BY God's power THROUGH faith for a salvation that is ready TO BE REVEALED IN THE LAST TIME. -HCSB

Until we meet the end; whether that end we face is "breathing our last" or seeing Christ's second-coming; persevere daily in love for Jesus and others, hope and trust in His promises, and obedience to His word... "keep the faith" {cf. Rev14:12}.

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