Wednesday, May 9, 2012

How Dare God Send Somebody To Hell! -Really???

God is no more responsible for anyone ending up in hell than a judge is responsible for someone ending up on death row. Humanity goofed; not God.

God created mankind in His own image{Gen1:27} with the intention of mankind walking in love and good works while being at harmony with Him{Rom8:29/Eph2:10}. Harmony in a relationship is not achieved by compulsion but by the free-will; so God created mankind with a will which He allowed mankind to freely exercise -to choose good or evil.

The *genuineness* of a harmonious commitment is quite often only manifested/proved through testing; so God created a relatively easy test for Adam and Eve -eat any fruit from all the trees; including the Tree of Life; but don't eat this *one* fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Now that is a GOOD God... think of all the fruit that Adam and Eve could possibly choose from and God said "Enjoy it all except for this one -you'll live forever if you just don't eat that one." Wow, how much "gooder" can God be? Eternal life and scrumptuous varieties of fruit... Ooh if it were just SOOO simple today -but isn't it?

Isn't it still, today, a mere option of the will to choose good or evil? No one can deny that everyone's conscience illicits some capacity for knowing right from wrong -and quite often one readily choose to do the wrong -right?

Now, I'm going to skip some "hellfire" preaching and get into how good God *really* is...

In the same way prisons are not built for law abiding citizens; likewise, hell was not originally created for mankind. Hell was created for Satan and his angels.{Matt25:41}.

Now, throughout the Bible[Gen-Rev] we see how God has continuously made it possible for mankind to be redeemed of their sins and escape hell. Ultimately God instituted the New Covenant{a "covenant" is a dual party agreement} in which He sent His own Son to pay the penalty for our sins and save mankind. Now that is *good* and that is *love* -that was God's part of the Covenant. All that is required of mankind is to believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ and pursue harmony with God again by rejecting what God considers evil{Rom10:9}. God is so good that He goes even further in showing how much He loves us and wants us to not end up in hell by filling with the Holy Spirit those who genuinely seek to be in harmony with Him{Acts5:32}.

Now, the Holy Spirit doesn't *force* a believer to do good -that would be compulsion and null free-will. Without free-will love would be non-existent. The Holy Spirit does, however, incite the will to do good and empowers the believer[whom submits himself/herself to God(James4:7)] to follow through with doing good{Philippians2:13} -God is soooo *GOOD* to do that! 

Considering how much God sacrificed and continues to give for the salvation of mankind; it is purely no fault of God if anyone ends up in hell. Blaming God as being unloving or not good if someone ends up in hell is like blaming a judge for condemning a mass murderer to death row. Keyword here: *justice*!

It's not a strange concept at all to grasp, either: hell is the eventual punishment for evil doers who never turn to God{Rev20:11-13} and "heaven" is the reward for those who seek true harmony with God through faith in Jesus Christ:
--> Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he **rewards those who seek him.**

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