Monday, April 27, 2015

"...And this is what was preached to you as the Gospel" -1Peter1:25

Since "the Gospel of Christ" is the "power of God unto salvation..." is paramount that we comprehend precisely and thoroughly what the "gospel" is, according to the Apostles of Jesus Christ, if we are to be saved by its power -right?
Now, I will not use many words here, but I will direct your attention to a chapter of Scripture; 1Peter chapter1; which will take about 3 to 5 minutes to read. Be sure to read the entire chapter and I want you to specifically note the latter of vs25:
--> "...and this is the word that was preached as the Gospel to you." [HCSB]

[...assuming you have read the chapter -yes? Then please continue]
So essentially and apparently, Peter set about to sum the Gospel within the first chapter of his epistle. Will you reflect with me, now, upon a few points of this "good news" summarized by Peter in 1Peter1; which is RARELY presented nowadays as part of the "Gospel?" -a few points which, if/when, ignored render the "Gospel" *incomplete* and thus "the power unto salvation" effectually impotent?

[Taken from HCSB]
vs13 "...get your minds ready for action, being self-disciplined..."
vs14-15 "As obedient children... (15) " the one who called you is holy, you also are to be holy in ALL your conduct..."
vs17 " are to conduct yourselves in reverence..."
vs22 "By obedience to the truth, having purified yourselves... (or, "Having purified yourselves by/through obedience to the truth.)

Please keep in mind that 1Peter ch1 represents only a summary... ...obviously the Gospel consists of more than just what is summed in 1Peter1... ...but within this passage it is inarguably dictated that the biblically prescribed Gospel consists of a call to holiness... ...the whole of the NT presents holiness as an ACTION -i.e. vss15,16 "...BE(*action* verb) holy"... ...Jesus wasn't "just" holy, Jesus *DID* holy... ...and "if we claim to be Christian then we will pursue diligently the imitation of Christ"(1John2:6 paraphrased).

My closing thought, "salvation" is not merely a "moment of conversion" and/or moment of baptism event... ...we are expressly and explicitly told in 1Peter1:5 that "THROUGH FAITH" God is "protecting us{e.g. as a mother hen guards her chicks} *until salvation is revealed on the last day*." In ch1{vs17}, and as we continue through the Epistle of 1Peter, we are admonished to persist in the pursuit of holiness with reverence toward God THROUGHOUT our mortal lifespan.

Please understand, that nothing expressed here suggests that what we do procures our salvation; nowhere have I conveyed a "works-based" salvation nor legalism... ...allow me to present a word-picture describing salvation as conveyed by Eph2:8,9{and Scripture in general}:

Picture a motorists who has just received a speeding ticket for doing 75 in a 55... ...his court date is set for 6weeks later. During this time, the motorist obeyed all traffic laws... his court appearance, despite all his obedience, the motorists was still declared guilty for his speeding... ...understand, then, that no amount of obedience cancels out even a single act of disobedience{e.g. "all have sinned"}... ...thus, there is nothing we can do to rescind any of our crime(s) and therefore we stand as guilty regardless of ANY amount of "good"... ...the only way to have our record wiped clean is by the order of the Judge... ...we owe for the penalty of our crime(s); but Jesus [the Judge's Son] settled that debt for us... ...thus, on account of WHAT JESUS DID, God declared that, through faith{*see Addendum} in His Son, He would "forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness"{cp. 1John1:9}. So you see, then, we are not saved by our own deeds but by the *Judge's* gracious decision on account of *His Son's self-less sacrifice on our behalf*{"...for you are saved by grace"}... then, apart from Jesus' sacrifice and God's grace, salvation could not be possible regardless of ANY amount of obedience. Interesting to note, so many excise vs10 from Eph2:8-9; yet, when verse10 is "the cherry on top" of what Paul sought to convey with vss8-9:
"For we are His creation- created in Christ Jesus FOR GOOD WORKS, which God prepared ahead of time so that WE SHOULD WALK IN THEM. other words, and enjoined with vss8-9; "You are saved by God's grace and not your own works for which one may boast; indeed, God created us for doing good works [inferred: "What boasting is there in doing what we are SUPPOSED to be doing?" You see, Jesus taught that after having done ALL, we should humbly accept and acknowledge that we've been unprofitable servants because we've merely done that which was our duty to perform{Luke17:10]

*Addendum: "Faith" is biblically defined as: -trust in God's word{e.g. as immutable truth}; -dependence upon God's work/providence; and -obedience to God; rf. Hebrews11 and James2:14-26;.. ...outcrops of faith include repentance from, and godly remorse for, sins{cp. Mark1:15/Acts17:30/2Cor7:20

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