[Read Matt 5 and Rom 7 and Eph5:8-10]
Yesterday I was pondering two different perspectives of the "Law." Specifically, the Speed Limit. It dawned on me that the "Speed Limit" was never intended to be construed: "...this is how fast you should be going." As though the Law was meant to be interpreted in the sense of what is "*allowable.*" The Law's purpose is not to designate what is allowable but to establish what is *CONDEMNED.* As Paul conveyed it Romans7, stating that the Law has no power to justify because the Law's purpose serves ONLY to condemn -and so no one can be saved by obeying the Law [because all are guilty of breaking the Law and need to be forgiven; the Law is NOT capable of forgiving -only God can forgive... ...which is why Paul explains that salvation is by the grace of God and not our works- Eph2:8,9 ... ...albeit, vs10 reveals that we are not altogether exempted from good works because we were, indeed, created to do good works.(sorry got sidetracked :) ].
As I pondered upon it longer, I realized that this same "tunnel-vision" view of the Law [i.e. "That's what it says; that's what I'll do."] is the view for which Jesus was "correcting" the teaching of the religious leaders... ...for instance, we read in Matthew5 how the religious teachers taught "do not
murder... ... ...do not commit adultery..." -Jesus corrected this "tunnel-vision" interpretation of the Law by explaining, [in retrospect to idea of the Speed Limit sign], that "do not kill" was the "Limit." However, Jesus revolutionized the "tunnel-vision" view of the Law by expanding the interpretation beyond the mere "limit"so that His followers would realize that it's not about the "Limit" but about the heart... ...for instance, Jesus said that if you were furious with your brother then you were virtually guilty of the very reason the Law "Do not murder" was established.
The Law [including a Speed Limit sign :p ] is there to CONDEMN you if you go beyond the limit prescribed -so wouldn't it be wise to keep a safe distance under the "limit" to avoid inadvertently transgressing the Law? Are you furious with anyone..? ...are you guilty of looking at "eye-candy"{lust of the eyes}..? If so, it's time to ease back on the pedal!
I can guarantee you this one thing: If, every time you see a Speed Limit sign, you bear in mind Jesus' "revolutionary" [though not really "revolutionary" so much as "*intended*"] way of interpreting the Law **AND ABIDE BY IT** -you will never get a speeding ticket :)
Yesterday I was pondering two different perspectives of the "Law." Specifically, the Speed Limit. It dawned on me that the "Speed Limit" was never intended to be construed: "...this is how fast you should be going." As though the Law was meant to be interpreted in the sense of what is "*allowable.*" The Law's purpose is not to designate what is allowable but to establish what is *CONDEMNED.* As Paul conveyed it Romans7, stating that the Law has no power to justify because the Law's purpose serves ONLY to condemn -and so no one can be saved by obeying the Law [because all are guilty of breaking the Law and need to be forgiven; the Law is NOT capable of forgiving -only God can forgive... ...which is why Paul explains that salvation is by the grace of God and not our works- Eph2:8,9 ... ...albeit, vs10 reveals that we are not altogether exempted from good works because we were, indeed, created to do good works.(sorry got sidetracked :) ].
As I pondered upon it longer, I realized that this same "tunnel-vision" view of the Law [i.e. "That's what it says; that's what I'll do."] is the view for which Jesus was "correcting" the teaching of the religious leaders... ...for instance, we read in Matthew5 how the religious teachers taught "do not
murder... ... ...do not commit adultery..." -Jesus corrected this "tunnel-vision" interpretation of the Law by explaining, [in retrospect to idea of the Speed Limit sign], that "do not kill" was the "Limit." However, Jesus revolutionized the "tunnel-vision" view of the Law by expanding the interpretation beyond the mere "limit"so that His followers would realize that it's not about the "Limit" but about the heart... ...for instance, Jesus said that if you were furious with your brother then you were virtually guilty of the very reason the Law "Do not murder" was established.
The Law [including a Speed Limit sign :p ] is there to CONDEMN you if you go beyond the limit prescribed -so wouldn't it be wise to keep a safe distance under the "limit" to avoid inadvertently transgressing the Law? Are you furious with anyone..? ...are you guilty of looking at "eye-candy"{lust of the eyes}..? If so, it's time to ease back on the pedal!
I can guarantee you this one thing: If, every time you see a Speed Limit sign, you bear in mind Jesus' "revolutionary" [though not really "revolutionary" so much as "*intended*"] way of interpreting the Law **AND ABIDE BY IT** -you will never get a speeding ticket :)
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